The next generation of lavender products.

Our story

Growing and creating has always been a passion of mine since I can remember. It started as a young child asking to have my own garden bed where I would endlessly working the ground, pick out the seed packets and diligently sow the ground in hopes that my flowers would come up. And if I wasn’t out in the garden tending to my flowers or picking fresh produce from the garden beds and trees, then you would find me drawing animal pictures from Robert Batemans glorious book of paintings.

Since joining my husband on the farm in 2008 we have continued our creative endeavours by renovating our 150 year old farm house, extensively landscaping our property and enjoying our 105 acre farm. During this time, we had been reminded of the healing benefits we had as children from being outside, getting our hands dirty and feeling that sense of accomplishment when you had created something out of nothing.

It was this realization that began our lavender adventure in the summer of 2022. We wanted to restore 2 acres situated on a sandy hill with 14 hours of sun, but realized that we were limited in our crop choices. Then we came across a couple of websites on lavender farms and quickly became interested. We already had lavender growing in our garden beds and were confident we could expand our empty acres with this notoriously hardy plant. We ordered 140 plants, 7 varieties to see which plants could withstand our cold, wet and sometimes icy Ontario winters.

Thankfully, all plants survived into 2023 and we were able to see how the plants grew, how much lavender we could yield and the different scents of each variety. We loved walking the field each day, harvesting the crop in the sun, and leaving some plants to bloom for the honeybees. We are excited to increase our crop for the summer of 2024 and to grow our farm for our children and future generations.

Picked with care

We hand cut each lavender stem off the plant to ensure we get the best product while still maintaining the integrity of the plant for future crops. Each bundle is then cleaned and tied so we can hang them upside in our dry indoor facility. We check on our lavender daily to ensure the drying process is creating the highest quality buds for our lavender products.